Thursday, June 30, 2011

Teacher-Student-Curriculum Roles

This clip is from the show "Boy Meets World" and illustrates the intersection of the teacher, student, and curriculum roles in a classroom.

Mr. Feeny, the teacher, is upset with his students. They are giving silly, unthoughtful answers in class. His students are spending their time outside of class watching t.v. and playing video games rather than completing homework or thinking critically. Mr. Feeny holds his students to high standards and his students are not meeting that standard. Mr. Feeny is assuming the teacher role of holding high expectations and keeping students accountable.

The students in the clip are playing the role of cultural consumer. Their tween culture pushes video games and having fun; the students are readily digesting and assuming this role. Mr. Feeny wants his students to transcend this role.

This clip is centered around the curriculum role in class. Mr. Feeny believes the curriculum should require the students to be thinking and to be developing higher-order thinking, however, the students see the curriculum as a needing to reflect their current reality, tweenhood.

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